Benjamin Acosta
Los Angeleno/South Tel Avivi.
Political Scientist.
Free-Speech Revolutionary.
The purpose of this site is multiple, but hopefully it functions as the more lighthearted companion to my scholarly site: www.benjaminacosta.com. In the 1990s, as a teenager and young adult, I performed in electro-rock bands and trip hop groups in SoCal and operated as an underground street artist—ever seeking to advance new forms of resistance against tyrannical entities. In the 2000s, I lived in various Middle Eastern countries, studying the structures and effectiveness of revolutionary and militant organizations. I now work as an empirical researcher and professor. As a political scientist, I have generally focused on the scholarly side of academia. But, in recent years, I have truly enjoyed the professor side. Due to my work on controversial and polarizing topics such as political violence, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and identity politics, many students and others frequently ask me about my own opinions. As an empirical political scientist, much of my published work offers little insight to my individual views, so to quell the inquiries of the masses, I have developed this site to share my thoughts on various political, social and economic issues, as well as cultural artifacts. Ultimately, I try to do my part to inspire a freethinking revolution among youth across the Western world and Mediterranean. Preserving free speech remains essential and central to this endeavor.